2008.10.07 Tue. Toronto 8~17 Sunny & Cloudy
Toronto arrived. It becomes cold though it is not yet winter.
Hardly but was awake for a movie on the plane this time.
Toronto to Asia is really a long way to go.
“What happens in Vegas” was supposed to be a comedy but I wept in the ending part.
About marriage –
it is not necessary to be with the one you are really familiar or you think you love.
About misunderstanding –
it takes place everyday everywhere.
About makeup –
not everyone is lucky to understand what they miss by some stupid thinking….
Well I should not have thought about someone again. But his words kept popping up.
Could not understand why he said
– this is not that simple. (What makes it complicated?)
Could not figure out a single thing he did for me for that
– why do you always think I should do something for you? (Did he ever?)
Anyways, to the end I realized this is nothing to do with language.
I do not understand his Japanese nor English and so doesn’t he.
Tear once and it is enough. If I can choose, I would rather not cry at all.
Thought about the song “there is a fine fine line” from “Avenue Q”. It sings
"And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for
For my own sanity
I've gotta close the door and walk away...."
And now I cannot agree more.
Tomorrow is a brand new day and I am looking forward to it.
Shelley in Toronto 20081008 midnight
- Oct 08 Wed 2008 13:08
walk away